
Saturday, January 21, 2012

It's all ready...

Rustings, fine dresses, leaves and happenings...these are a few of my favourite things!

All ready for the first workshop of the season tomorrow....and boy does my studio look spick and span. I don't normally work in complete disarray but like all creative bods, sometimes, only I know where things are. That's not so good though if you are trying to run a learning and sharing experience for others. So order is the order of the day and the good times can roll. Must remember to do a before and after shot as I'm guessing once four stimulated minds have whirled through there all day, it might be back to it's more chaotic yet strangely comforting state.

So looking forward to the next few weekends. And now a gratuitous plug.......if you still want to join in there are limited places available on SUNDAY 29th JAN and SUNDAY 12th FEBRUARY.
Details on the workshop link up there on the right.


  1. Thanks for a fabulous time Jude. I just posted about it on my blog - Hugs Nat

  2. i never see any mention of india flint as an inspiration for all your work and success. And you are right there in Australia. The connection is obvious of course. But it seems only right.

    1. Yes, you are spot on there Jude. I should be paying homage to India Flint more than I am. Will address that soon. I am flattered that you are reading my blog. Love Jude x
